اسئلة اختبار انجليزي Traveller 3 مقررات

اسئلة اختبار انجليزي Traveller 3 مقررات
King AbdulazizUniversity is one of the most distinguished higher education institutions in theKingdom of Saudi Arabia. King Faisal was the head of the committee that established
thisuniversity in Jeddah, in1967. At first, it was a private university,
اسئلة اختبار انجليزي Traveller 3 مقررات
but in1971itbecame a stateuniversity. During the first year the university started its educational programmes with68maleand30female students, but the government’s
1.King Faisal was the head of the committee that established this university
اسئلة اختبار انجليزي Traveller 3 مقررات
4.I called………………….and told them to come to my place on Friday.
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