اسئلة اختبار انجليزي Traveller 5 مقررات

اسئلة اختبار انجليزي Traveller 5 مقررات
There are two extra meanings which
you do not need to use.
1. wrecking
2. cater to
3. purchase
4. complimentary
اسئلة اختبار انجليزي Traveller 5 مقررات
5. certified
6. mandatory
All over the world
Match the highlighted words/phrases in the advertisements
with the meanings below.
There are two extra meanings which
you do not need to use.
1. wrecking
2. cater to
3. purchase
تعليقين على اسئلة اختبار انجليزي Traveller 5 مقررات