Flying High 4 Student’s Book

Flying High 4 Student’s Book
Speaking and reading
a What do you know about the Wright brothers?
Look at the title of the article below and discuss
what you understand.
b Read the article quickly. Do you think that
Orville would have been surprised by
developments in his lifetime?
c Work in pairs, A and B. Read the article again.
Student A, fill in 1 to 4 in the chart; Student B,
fill in 5 to 8. Then ask questions to complete
your chart
A young professional may want to drive a sports car. A married couple with children will need a larger car. 2 Do-it-yourself equipment is largely targeted at men, whereas cosmetics are largely targeted at women. 3 The population can be divided according to the stages of life, e.g. schoolchild, teenager, parent, pensioner. Pensioners are more likely to have similar needs, but different needs to those of a teenager. 4 People have different needs according to their social customs, language and dietary habits. 5 Different segments have different disposable incomes, i.e. the amount of money that is left after essentials have been paid for. 4 Reading and
Flying High 4 Student’s Book
a What do you know about the Wright brothers?
Look at the title of the article below and discuss
what you understand.
b Read the article quickly. Do you think that
Orville would have been surprised by
developments in his lifetime?
c Work in pairs, A and B. Read the article again.
Student A, fill in 1 to 4 in the chart; Student B,
fill in 5 to 8. Then ask questions to complete
your chart
A young professional may want to drive a sports car. A married couple with children will need a larger car. 2 Do-it-yourself equipment is largely targeted at men, whereas cosmetics are largely targeted at women. 3 The population can be divided according to the stages of life, e.g. schoolchild, teenager, parent, pensioner. Pensioners are more likely to have similar needs, but different needs to those of a teenager.