Unit 7

Unit 7
an accident………. There was There were There wasn’t Lucy: Why is Jen so ____? Ann: Because she stayed up late last night angry sleepy happy _____:James: I didn’t go out this weekend. Robert So did I Neither did I So am I Let’s go home. There is _____ to do here nothing no one someone Bob: Was the store busy? John: No. _____ many people there There wasn’t There weren’t Weren’t there . Bill: Why is Brian so ____? Ali: Because his brother was in an accident this morning. worried tired surprised _____Mariam was home, but she didn’t hear someone nothing anything ______:Paul: Let’s get something to eat. I’m hungry. Kevin So am I So do I Neither am I Refaa: Why is Badria so ____? Asma: Because she didn’t study for the test today sad nervous happy Manager: Why are you late? Worker: _____ an accident on the highway this morning. There was Were there Was there
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