حل كتاب النشاط lift off 2

الوحدة 7-10 كتاب النشاط منهج منهج لفت أوف Lift Off 2 مادة اللغة الانجليزية للمرحلة المتوسطة الصف الاول المتوسط Nina’s Saudi Arabian friend a Yasser and Rakan 2 Nina’s twin b Reema 3 Nina’s English friends c Jack and Charlie 4 Reema’s brother d Ranya 5 Fred’s English friends e Omar 6 Omar and Reema‘s [moalmy.com]
www.moalmy.com حلول معلمي Lift Off 2 حل مادة اللغة الانجليزية اول متوسط ف 2 كتاب الطالب
Lift Off 2 unit 6 – 10
الوحدة 6-10 منهج منهج لفت أوف Lift Off 2 مادة اللغة الانجليزية للمرحلة المتوسطة الصف الاول المتوسط Correct the superlatives. 1 That was the baddest day of my life. ZRUVW 2 Reema isn’t the goodest at English in her class. حلول معلمي3 Asia is the bigest continent in the world. حلول معلمي4 Jabal Sowda is [حلول معلمي]
Lift Off 2 حل مادة اللغة الانجليزية اول متوسط ف
Lift Off 2 مادة اللغة الانجليزية للمرحلة المتوسطة الصف الاول المتوسط Look at the pictures. Find Fred and Nina. b) Listen. Find Jack and Charlie in picture 1. Find Lucy and Elena in picture 2. c) Label. Write the names of the boys and girls. 2 Look and write. a) Look at the pictures. Do [حلول معلمي]
Lift Off unit 1 – 2
Lift Off unit 1 – 4 Back to school Mrs Henderson Good morning girls Girls Good morning Who can you see? Where are they? What can you see on the wall? Talk about the English timetable. What differences can you find between the English timetable and your Saudi timetable? Match the names and the photographs. […]
كتاب الانجليزي Super Goal ثاني متوسط لعام 2022
كتاب الانجليزي Lift off 4 ثاني متوسط لعام كتاب الانجليزي Lift off 4 ثاني متوسط لعام unit 2 people animal places thing some young insects eat wood and paper they make holes when ey eat treas unit 3 decisions decicision كتاب الانجليزي Lift off 4 ثاني متوسط الفصل الدراسي الثاني Listen again, then [حلول معلمي]
lift off4 workbook When the food (is / will be) ready, serve it with rice. 2 When you (will arrive / arrive) at school, wait in the playground. 3 When you (find / will find) my front door, ring the bell loudly. 4 When she (asks / will ask) you a question, answer in English. [حلول معلمي 2022]
منهج Lift off4
Student Book Workbook
حل كتاب الانجليزي lift off 5 ثالث متوسط الفصل الاول
حل كتاب الانجليزي lift off 5 ثالث متوسط الفصل الاول They discussed this idea with their teacher, Mrs. Rinad Abu Zinada. B Julie agreed because the newsletter sounded very interesting. C Mrs. Rinad arranged to print the newsletter for the girls. D Leena and Dalal started intermediate school at the same time. E Leena, Dalal
Work book Lift Off 3
Work book Lift Off 3 Work book 1- 5 Around the schools Answer the questions. Use a different adverb (‑ly) in each answer. 1 How do you talk when someone is asleep? Quietly. 2 How does your teacher speak English to you? . 3 How do you dress when you go to school? . 4 […]
حل منهج Lift Off 3 انجليزي ثاني متوسط الفصل الاول
حل منهج Lift Off 3 انجليزي ثاني متوسط الفصل الاول Look at the pictures. Label them with the correct names. b) Read the descriptions of the people. Match the descriptions with the pictures. c) Circle one possessive case, one possessive pronoun and one object pronoun in each description. 4 Read, ask and answer. a) Answer [moalimi]
Student book Lift Off 1 حل كتاب الانجليزي اول متوسط
How many people can you see in the picture? b) Listen, read and answer. 1 What‘s the name of the English man? 2 What’s the name of the Saudi man? Who can you see in the picture? Student book Lift Off 1 حل كتاب الانجليزي اول متوسط b) Listen, read and answer. 1 What’s the […]
Lift Off 6 Work Book Unit 6 – 10
Lift Off 6 Work Book Unit 6 – 10 Scott found Amundsen’s flag. He was extremely upset. (On) The men were waiting to set out on the expedition. They took photographs of the main camp. (While) They were trapped for days. They knew they would die. (After) b Shackleton tried to reach the South Pole […]
Lift Off unit Work book
Lift Off unit 9 – 10 Work book In a supermarket in Saudi Arabia last week oranges were 5 riyals for a kilo. Potatoes were 2 riyals cheaper a kilo than oranges. Tomatoes were 1 riyal more expensive than potatoes. Apples were 2 riyals more expensive than oranges but they were 3 riyals cheaper than […]
Lift Off unit 9 – 10
Lift Off unit 9 – 10 Look, read and say. a) Look at the pictures. What and who can you see? b) Read Nina’s e-mail to Fatimah. What does she want? Why? c) Read Fatimah’s e-mail. How is she? Dear Nina I hope your talk goes well. Don’t be nervous. Here are some photos of […]
Lift Off unit 7 – 8
Lift Off unit 7 – 8 Put the words into the correct order. Use the correct punctuation. drink /a/ can/have /please/I 1 you/me /help/please / can 2 go/we/ can/the/to/please/park 3 I/e-mail/ can/friend/please/my Ask and answer about the other bags. b) Read about the bag Nina buys. It’s more expensive than the sports bag. It’s cheaper […]
Lift Off unit 3 – 4
Lift Off unit 5 – 8 Yesterday I have/had eggs for breakfast. 2 This term Nina has/had a new head teacher. 3 Tomorrow I had/’m having an English test. 4 Two days ago we have/had a visit from my grandmother. 5 Fred has/had a good time with his friends in Saudi. Read about Jack. Jack’s […]
lift off4 workbook
حل نشاط انجليزي ثاني متوسط الفصل الثاني lift off4 workbook unit 1 journeys and trips how are you ? ahmed woould you like to come british museum last weekend unit 2 people animals places cat is pertty animel so cute unit 3 decisions decisions last sunday nona walked to the library he need stuff to […]
Lift Off 4 student book
حل كتاب انجليزي Lift Off 4 student book ثاني متوسط الفصل الثاني unit journeys and trips sultan can you have lunch whit us the day after tomorrow …amir..that’s thursday isn’t it?sultan yes amir ime very sorry i can’t come we’re going away for the weekend unit 2 people animal places thing some young insects eat […]
Lift Off 1 Work Book
Lift Off 1 Work Book a) Say what you do in the evenings and at the weekend Carlos: Are you Rick Morgan? Rick: Yes. Carlos: Hi. I’m Carlos Rodriguez. I’m from your company. Rick: Nice to meet you, Carlos. Carlos: Nice to meet you, too. Welcome to Spain. Rick: Thank you. Carlos: So, is this […]
اللغة الانجليزية منهج Lift Off 6
Lift Off 6 الوحدة 1 – 2 Lift Off 6 الوحدة 4 – 3 Lift Off 6 الوحدة 6 – 5 Lift Off 6 الوحدة 8 – 7 Lift Off 6 الوحد –
Lift Off 6 Workbook
الوحدة السابعة مادة اللغة الانجليزية للصف الثالث المتوسط الفصل الثاني 7 Around The World Reading and speaking – work in pairs. make questions for the answers below. b) Listening – Number the pictures in the correct order in Faisal’s plan. E) Vocabulary – Match the words with the same meaning. Reading – Write the letter […]
انجليزي Lift Off 6
مادة اللغة الانجيزية منهج الوحدة الاولى Here and There Writing a postcard to a friend sign your name الوحدة الثانية Achievements ambitions adventures Reading Are the sentences below true A) Reading – Tick the best title for the cartoon. 3 Supporters, selling and sources of energy b) Reading and Speaking – Correct the sentences. c) […]
كتب مواد الصف الثالث المتوسط 1446 هــ
لغتي النشاط كتاب التمارين الرياضيات كتاب النشاط علوم كتاب التوحيد كتاب التربية الاسرية Full Blast الحديث الاجتماعيات
كتب مواد الصف الثاني المتوسط 1446هــ
لغتي النشاط كتاب التمارين الرياضيات كتاب النشاط علوم كتاب التوحيد كتاب التربية الاسرية Full Blast الحديث الاجتماعيات

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