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حل مادة الانجليزي Full Blast 4 ثاني متوسط

حل مادة الانجليزي Full Blast 4 ثاني متوسط

countryside energy make a difference
plant protect turn off recycle
at the gallery\throw/rubbish/on/floor/see/all paintings/buy/ticket
trees are our friends I’m looking forward to it
rearrange order send decorate
حل مادة الانجليزي Full Blast 4 ثاني متوسط Communicative activities
Oral and written practice Revision sections
Future going to Affirmative I am He/She/It is going to travel We/You/They are
Negative I’m not He/She/It isn’t going to travel We/You/They aren’t
Questions Am I going to travel?
Is he/she/it going to travel?
Are we/you/they going to travel?

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