اللغة الانجليزية ثاني ابتدائي We Can 2 Term 2

اللغة الانجليزية ثاني ابتدائي We Can 2 Term 2
our ne things – they’re happy now – i can ride a bike
What are you wearing
Read and deaw the times on the clocjs
Read Circle the words with o – e underline the words
كتاب انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي pdf
كتاب انجليزي ثاني ابتدائي pdf الفصل الثاني
كتاب الانجليزي للصف الثاني الابتدائي اللغة الانجليزية ثاني ابتدائي We Can 2 Term 2
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حل كتاب الانجليزي للصف الثاني الابتدائي الفصل الثاني
Look and circle the clothes you are wearing now Write the colours
you’re sleeping
Circle the things you can see people doing at a party
Look at all the animals
Unit 1: My House
Lesson 1: Rooms in the House
Question: What are the main rooms in a house?
Answer: Living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom.
Activity: Draw your house and label the rooms in English.
Lesson 2: Furniture
Question: Name three pieces of furniture in your living room.
Answer: Sofa, table, TV.
Activity: Match the pictures of furniture with their names.
Unit 2: My School
Lesson 1: Classroom Objects
Question: What are some objects you find in a classroom?
Answer: Desk, chair, board, book.
Activity: Find and color the classroom objects in the picture.
Lesson 2: Subjects
Question: What is your favorite school subject?
Answer: English, Math, Science, Art.
Activity: Write a sentence about your favorite subject.
Unit 3: Food and Drinks
Lesson 1: Types of Food
Question: Name three fruits and three vegetables.
Answer: Fruits: apple, banana, orange. Vegetables: carrot, cucumber, tomato.
Activity: Create a menu using your favorite foods and drinks.
Lesson 2: Drinks
Question: What do you like to drink?
Answer: Water, juice, milk.
Activity: Draw and name your favorite drink.
Review Questions
1. What are the main rooms in a house?
2. Name three objects in your classroom.
3. What are your favorite foods and drinks?
4. What is your favorite school subject and why?
Open Question: How can you use English in your daily life?
Think about ways to practice English every day, like talking about your house, school, or favorite foods.
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