Family and Friends 2 Class Book

Family and Friends 2 Class Book

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Family and Friends 2 Class Book كتاب! Starter : Welcome back 1- unit Our new thing2-
weite the opposites then write the sentences

Unit 1: My Family

Lesson 1: Family Members

Vocabulary: father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother.
Task: Label the family members in the picture.
Question: Who is the oldest person in your family?
Example Answer: My grandfather.

Lesson 2: Describing Your Family

Grammar: “This is my…” / “He is…” / “She is…”
Activity: Write two sentences about your family using “This is my…”.

Unit 2: At School

Lesson 1: Classroom Objects

Vocabulary: desk, board, chair, book, pen, bag.
Task: Match the objects to their names.
Question: What is inside your school bag?
Example Answer: A book, a pen, and a notebook.

Lesson 2: Asking for Things

Grammar: “Can I have…?” / “Here you go.”
Activity: Practice a short conversation:
A: Can I have a pencil?
B: Here you go.

Unit 3: My Body

Lesson 1: Body Parts

Vocabulary: head, arms, legs, hands, feet.
Task: Point to the parts of your body and say their names.
Question: How many hands do you have?
Example Answer: I have two hands.

Lesson 2: Describing Actions

Grammar: “I can…” / “I can’t…”
Activity: Write two sentences about what you can and cannot do.
Example: “I can run. I can’t fly.”

Review Section

Activity: Complete the Sentences

1. This is my ________ (mother).
2. Can I have a ________? (pen)
3. I can ________, but I can’t ________. (run, fly)
Bonus: Draw a picture of your family and write their names.

Open Activity: My Favorite Thing

Task: Write about your favorite thing at school or at home.
Example Start: “My favorite thing is my book because…”

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We Can 2 كتاب الطالب كتاب النشاط We Can 2
Family and Friends 2 Class Book
Workbook Family and Friends 2
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