We can Workbook 2 term 2
We can Workbook 2 term 2 اللغة الانجليزية ثاني ابتدائي
We can 2 PDF We can 2 الفصل الأول We can 1 We can 3
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2 Recognize and differentiate between the endings
as in “dresses”). Recognize and produce some English digraphs
in “photo”, wh, /w/ as in white
Recognize and produce some consonant blends
12 Identify and talk about toys, games, and classroom
objects. 13 Identify and talk about rooms/items in a house.
Unit 1: My House
Activity 1: Label the Rooms
Task: Look at the picture of the house. Label the rooms: living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom.
Question: What do you do in the living room?
Example Answer: Watch TV, sit on the sofa.
Activity 2: Match Furniture
Task: Match the names of the furniture with their pictures: table, bed, chair, lamp.
Question: Which room has a bed?
Example Answer: The bedroom.
Unit 2: My School
Activity 1: Color the Classroom
Task: Find and color the objects in the classroom: desk, board, books, pencil.
Question: How many desks are in the picture?
Example Answer: Five desks.
Activity 2: Write the Subjects
Task: Write the names of the school subjects in the blanks: English, Math, Science, Art.
Question: What is your favorite subject?
Example Answer: My favorite subject is Art.
Unit 3: Food and Drinks
Activity 1: Draw Your Favorite Meal
Task: Draw your favorite meal and label it. Include food and drinks like apple, rice, juice.
Question: What do you like to eat for breakfast?
Example Answer: I like to eat eggs and bread for breakfast.
Activity 2: Match Food Categories
Task: Match the food to its category: fruits, vegetables, drinks. Example: Apple → Fruit, Milk → Drink.
Question: Name one fruit and one drink you like.
Example Answer: I like oranges and milk.
Review Section
Activity: Fill in the Blanks
Task: Complete the sentences:
1. I sleep in the ________ (bedroom).
2. I study ________ at school (English).
3. I like to drink ________ (juice).
Bonus: Write your own sentence about your house or school.
Open Activity: Create Your Story
Task: Write a short story about your day using these words: house, school, food, drink.
Example Start: “I wake up in my bedroom and eat breakfast. Then, I go to school…”
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