Workbook Family and Friends 2

Unit 1: My Family

Activity 1: Match the Words

Task: Match the family members with the pictures:
1. Father → Picture A
2. Mother → Picture B
3. Brother → Picture C
4. Sister → Picture D

Activity 2: Complete the Sentences

Task: Fill in the blanks with the correct word: father, mother, brother, sister.
Example: “This is my ________. She is very kind.” (mother)

Unit 2: At School

Activity 1: Label the Objects

Task: Label the classroom objects in the picture: desk, board, book, pen, chair.
Example: “The ________ is where the teacher writes.” (board)

Activity 2: Find and Color

Task: Find the hidden classroom objects in the picture and color them.

Unit 3: My Body

Activity 1: Match the Words

Task: Match the body parts to their labels:
1. Head → Picture A
2. Arms → Picture B
3. Legs → Picture C

Activity 2: Write and Draw

Task: Draw a picture of yourself and write the names of your body parts.
Example: “This is my head. These are my arms.”

Review Section

Activity: Complete the Chart

Task: Fill in the chart with what you have learned:
– Family members: father, ________, ________.
– Classroom objects: board, ________, ________.
– Body parts: head, ________, ________.

Activity: Write Your Own Sentences

Task: Write three sentences about your family, school, or body parts.
Example: “This is my father. He is strong.”

Open Activity: My Day

Task: Write about your day using the words you learned.
Example Start: “In the morning, I go to school with my brother. At school, I use my book and pen…”

Workbook Family and Friends 2 اللغة الانجليزية ثاني ابتدائي

Family and Friends 2 Workbook
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انجليزي الصف الثاني ابتدائي صفحة 28
Read and deaw the times on the clocjs
Read Circle the words with o – e underline the words
Look and circle the clothes you are wearing now Write the colours
you’re sleeping Class Book Circle the things you can see people doing at a party
Look at all the animals Family and Friends 2 Workbook
weite the opposites then write the sentences

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مادة الرياضيات – حلول ثاني ابتدائي
الفصل الخامس جمع الاعداد الفصل السادس طرح الاعداد
الفصل السابع النقود والزمن
الفصل الثامن الكسور
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مادة We Can 2 – حلول ثاني ابتدائي
We Can 2 كتاب الطالب كتاب النشاط We Can 2
Family and Friends 2 Class Book
Workbook Family and Friends 2
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